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„BIZNES-EKSPERT” - Companies Servicing Centre is a team of entities specialised in the related fields connected with comprehensive servicing of businessmen and the companies they conduct, within financial and other services connected with business activities.

Members of the group have not been chosen accidentally.

The team consists of specialists providing services for companies, natural persons carrying on business activities, and farmers who conduct specialist commercial farms.

The members of the team exhibit a long standing professional experience and their assistance is highly appreciated by clients, as reflected in references. Their joint action in solving the clients’ complicated matters has been strengthened and tested in practice. Furthermore, the composition of the group reflects the clients’ demand for such complexity of services, established in the course of accomplishment of tasks and contacts with existing clients.

Advantages of entrusting us with services:

  • Professionalism > competent, educated and qualified staff
  • Experience > long standing professional experience
  • Safety > services provided by members of the team are insured against civil liability
  • Complexity > saving your time – one place, one drive, and you get full service
  • Confidentiality > loyalty clause
  • Optimum cost > moderate prices for proper quality
  • Reliability > lack of clients’ damages

Members of the team:

  • Accountancy Office C.O.P. "BIZNES-EKSPERT" Unlimited company
  • Tax advisor Mariola Kaźmierczak